This is How We Roll…

This week we are schooling “on the road.” Since my husband travels for work, we get to tag along on some of the trips. This week I will get to visit my cousin and her beautiful family in south Florida AND do some school.

Did I mention how the kids are thrilled about that?


School on the go can be a daunting task. So I thought I would share what we do. Maybe it will spark some ideas of your own next time you have to pack it up and take it on the road. The first thing I do is plan how much time we will actually spend doing school. Since my husband is working during the day, we are spending our mornings doing work. This leaves our afternoons and evenings open for fun. Once I have the big picture, then I start packing!


My bag is filled with teacher books, reading material, colored pencils, stories on CD, my Well-Planned Day calendar and even a scrapbooking project I want to get started on. I also have a 3-ring binder that is not in the picture. I packed up my teacher notes from Tapestry of Grace and my lessons plans.


And that, ladies, is how we roll!


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