The habit of Reading...

"Reading is not an escape from life; it's an exercise in living."
-Gladys Hunt

I love reading! I find such joy in opening up a good book and taking up residence in the story. We do lots of reading here in our home and often the books become part of our everyday discussions. I also love talking!

Big surprise there. :-)

I also love having friends over to visit. So I recently invited a few ladies to join me in a Book Club.

For our first book, we read the Magic of Ordinary Days by Ann Howard Creel. A wonderful story that takes place during WWII. It is about a young woman who dreams of becoming an archaeologist but instead finds herself banished to rural Colorado by her father and the magic of the days that follow.

For our meeting, I wanted to set the mood and transport us back in time. I turned up  Glenn Miller and his band, set out some food, and planned for some great conversation. We played a game, chatted and settled in. My father always said to hang around people that you can learn from.

He was right!

I was blessed to be in the company of such wise women.

Livvy and her new friends love chasing butterflies and add them to their sketchbook.
 I couldn't resist when I saw these note cards in the store. They would be perfect!

Since the story took place during the WWII period, I pulled out my grandmother's glasses to serve fresh lemonade. She would have loved it.

Sometimes in the afternoon, Rose & Lorelei would visit Livvy. The girls would share a Coca Cola.

There are a lot of great examples of Love in the story, so what better reminder than from 1 Corinthians about what love truly is. Thanks pinterest for the idea!
 So what's on your nightstand right now? Are you like me? I have several books I am reading. Some for pleasure and some for school and others to learn.

Do you have any good suggestions for our Book Club?


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