Well Planned Day Organizers...

 A few years ago, I stumbled upon my now favorite planners. Since then they have expanded their product line and right now Home Educating Family has some of those items on sale. Yippee!!

If you know me at all, you know that I love two things (aside from the obvious friends & family). Organizing and pretty designs. When I saw how functional and beautiful these planners were I knew they were a perfect match for me. If you haven't taken a peek, check out Home Educating Family and you will quickly see why I love their stuff!

For the homeschool mom, this planner has everything from meal planning to budget planning in addition to weekly school planning.

For my high school student, we purchase the 4 year planner. It is almost like a spiral bound guidance counselor in addition to a school planner. It has been a great organizer as well as a resource.

I have to tell you that the Uber-Nerd in me is anxiously awaiting the unveiling of the Well Planned Day software. It syncs with my Google calender?? Enough said!

I will be honest and tell you that I have not used this planner. I find that between the homeschool planner and my phone, I have not needed something like this but thought I would share anyhow. It is so pretty!

You can see for yourself why they are a favorite!


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