Post-It Planning

For those that haven't figured it out yet, I am a bit of an organizing nerd! I often tease that there is peace in perfection. Yes I am the one who can't sit down to watch a movie unless dishes are done, kids are bathed and things are put away. This can be quite vexing for my spontaneous husband. For our second child, graduation is fast approaching and instead of panicking at the last minute about what our transcripts are going to look like I called a good friend and we spent an afternoon building her transcript...Post-It style. We began to use TOG during my daughter's freshman year but like anything new, we were just getting our feet wet. As each year has progressed and I have grown to better understand what fits the needs of our family, I wanted to make sure we were also meeting the college admissions needs. After we were done I took a picture to share with you.
  • First we listed each class that was completed individually on the same color post-it. I also listed the final grade.
  • Then we listed each class that is currently being taken in a new color.
  • After that, we listed the classes still needed in a third color.
  • Using the kitchen table, we began organizing the post-its by subject matter. This helped me to see clearly if we were meeting graduation/admission requirements.
  • Finally I pulled up my transcript template and began plugging in the information.
For me this was a very visual way to see if we were on track. I would even suggest doing this over the summer prior to making class commitments. This may help keep the focus on what is needed as well as show opportunities to add to your schedule.


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