In His Own Words...

This year my second grader and I are building a history notebook. In case it is unclear I am a HUGE lover of history. It is an unquenchable thirst and I hope I am able to pass along some of that to my children. One of our greatest challenges here is teaching elementary, middle, and high school to the best of my ability. Following the unit approach with Tapestry of Grace has been a great blessing but there are times I feel overwhelmed with trying to teach all three levels. In the decision making process I decided to follow the read-alouds for my youngest and read living books on the history topics. We bought a black sketch book and after our history readings, I write his narrations on the portion read. He adds pictures to the page after we are done. Sometimes we do a "picture study" and then reproduce it in our book and other times we simple cut and paste in to his book. I have also added maps to help reinforce the geography portion. In the end, he has a beautiful volume of history that I know I will treasure greatly because it is in his own words.


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