My prayer

This summer I have read, I have journaled, I have prayed, I have rested, but most of all I have refueled. It is my prayer that I take these moments and all my thoughts and opinions on what I have read and apply them where the Lord leads. I am praying that He will help me continue to encourage my children and provide discernment about where we are to start as well as where we are headed. I am praying for guidance as we take the journey this year. I pray that I will not loose focus of where He is taking us but also that we would be sensitive enough to recognize when He is changing our direction. Most of all I pray for rest...not so that I can sleep or be lazy in my own things, but rest so that I can have time to think, digest, and meditate. I pray that my children will begin to develop that same habit; that their education is not wasted on the monotony of rituals and deadlines but rather ignited by their personal passions and creativity. I pray that as intimately as I know them, they will know themselves and their Creator.

"Be still and know that I am God."

It sounds like a lot, I know, but I just can't imagine anything different for my children's education! What's your prayer for your children and your school year?


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