A Charlotte Mason find...

We are working our way through Tapestry of Grace Year 1 this year and are started to get in to our rhythm. As we walk through the ancient world we have encountered mummies, nomads,Abraham, the Nile, Noah, Sumeria, and the story of Gilgamesh. Since this is my second time around, I am stretching my wings a bit and venturing out while keeping TOG's scope in mind.

My youngest has really taken to the story of Gilgamesh and it is always fun to hear how it comes out. Recently he was talking with a homeschool mom and mentioned that he is reading Gilgamesh and so she let me peek at study guide she was using in her school. I was immediately impressed with it. The study guide is written from a Charlotte Mason perspective and walks through creating a literature notebook as you read through the epic of Gilgamesh. It includes passages from the text for copywork and writing/essay ideas to complete the study. It is definitely one worth keeping in mind. My only regret is that Beautiful Feet has not created any more wonderful literature study guides.


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