Lessons from My Father...

Recently our youngest has discovered the timelessness of The Andy Griffith Show. I think some one could write a parenting how-to book when you watch the episodes with Opie. I have often said that Andy reminds of my father. 

First of all, my dad wore those same side zipper half boot shoe things when I was little just like Andy. They shared similar mannerisms but for me they share the same parenting philosophy. Tonight I was watching this episode with Ben and was reminded of a similar moment with dad. I was in middle school and came home with my first not-so-great grade. I think I was more upset about it than he was. When I showed him my report card, he didn't yell or criticize. He just very calmly asked, "Did you do your best?" I think the question caught me off guard.

This episode reminded me of that day...

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