Happy Birthday Lauryn!

Where does the time go? Seventeen years ago, I welcomed in one of the greatest joys of my life. And today I can't help but think about that precocious little girl and all of her little adventures.
It would not suit Lauryn to just be born in some run-of-the-mill ordinary way. No she must come unexpected and with a wee bit of flair! ;-) My sister, who had an overnight flight in Knoxville, invited me to stay with her and my mom at the hotel in downtown. It wasn't far from my doctor and since I had an appointment it sounded like a great idea. I would go in and return for breakfast with my family but no...Lauryn had other plans. The ultrasound was taking forever. People were buzzing around and it felt like I was never going to leave. My stomach was really wondering about that breakfast thing and the doctor was not cooperating. Finally, he informs me that he has determined it would be best to induce labor. It seems Lauryn was unhappy in her current residence and couldn't wait to greet the world however (much like today) I was not ready and therefore had no signs of labor.

So off to the hospital I go with no pit stop for breakfast I may add. I'm getting kind of hungry by this time. The nurse informs me that since I will be in labor I will not be allowed to eat anything but ice chips. Clearly she was not afraid of an unhappy, hungry pregnant woman! It was all quite surreal as I tried to explain to the nurses and anyone else who would listen that today was not a good day for having a baby. I had plans and then work. I hadn't even really packed a bag. I just showed up for an appointment and now here I was hooked up to a bunch of machines waiting to hold my daughter.

Twelve hours later I was holding the most precious little thing and couldn't imagine ever putting her down. She needed me and I needed her! She had filled my imagination in the previous months with what she would look like and now here she was resting in my arms!

Now she is on the verge of womanhood and I am still pleading for more time. :-) Where does the time go? Happy Birthday my sweet not-so-little girl! I am so very proud of who you are and am enjoying to seeing who you become.


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