I Would Walk 500 Miles...

Honestly, I am not sure where to begin. For a while now my 16 year old has been plagued with an array of symptoms that when strung together we now know leads to Lupus. This is not an unfamiliar disease for my family as my older sister also has Lupus. Being the youngest I do not have memories of the beginning of my sister's battle with Lupus but I have heard the stories. For me, she has always been a strong determined woman who chose to embrace the life God has given her than lie in self-pity or defeat. 

Over the past few weeks, we have been dealing with the reality that Lauryn has Lupus. Looking back, it explains so much. Looking ahead, it begs many questions. I pray that I will be the mother she needs. I pray that I will have ears to hear and patience to understand. I pray that the Lord will use this to grow her stronger and closer to Him. I pray that we will keep a sense of humor when things become difficult and the wisdom to make difficult decisions.


Jennie said...

Oh, Shelley! I had no idea. I will pray for you all. Lauryn is such an amazing young lady and you are a wonderful mother. God will guide you and give you wisdom and strength for the journey!

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