
One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is express in the choices one makes..." Eleanore Roosevelt

I believe strongly that children need to be great readers and communicators, both written and oral. In math, it is important to master all the basics skills. This foundation will take them on to higher math. Also, it is important for children to become independent learners.

This foundation for education came from my own family. As a little girl, I remember my father always reading. He sat in this green velvet chair either reading his Bible, the newspaper, or some book. He also had this vast library. I remember sitting in his office one day and he was teaching me how to stamp his books with this rubber stamp that read, "from the library of Ben F. Ward." He told me that day that he made it a point to read every book he added to his library. After he passed away, my mother went through the books and asked each of us to pick out the ones we wanted. His books are my most treasured possessions of his. I am inspired as we read them because I know that he read them as well.

I hope to pass on a similar love of learning for my children. Like my father, I hope to teach my children not by words but by my actions.


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