A little of this and a little of that...but it's all good!

Do you ever have one of those days where you just feel like you are on it? They are rare here because the unexpected seems to happen...a lot! However today was one of those blessed days.

This morning, my oldest (19) and my youngest (6) went outside together on a nature hunt. My youngest chose an ant hill. He sat down and got right to work. First he investigated the mound. Then he studied the surroundings. His drawing was simple but his excitement was enormous. He came in ready to do math. After that he asked if he could go out again. So not to disappoint him I told him we would read to the birds. He wasn't biting...UNTIL we sat for a moment and just listened. We heard several chirping away and spotted one on the power line. I told Ben he had come to listen. We read several different books and even got grammar done. I have never had him so motivated! He was done with everything and ready for lunch and quiet time.

Meanwhile, even the girls who are not always good stewards of their independent time were motivated to complete their work. At one point, my 11 yr. old came outside for our grammar lesson and while I read she trimmed up her tomato plants. I am not bragging just simply documenting that these days do exist and they are one of the reasons I wake up and feel good about what we are doing!


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