Organized Simplicity...the family room

Why is that when you have company coming the desire to spruce things up and decorate always magnifies? As the end of the school year continues to eek its way ever closer I find my mind filled with ideas on how to fix up the house before our upcoming graduation. This time it is a bit different though because I am also hearing the words from the pages of Organized Simplicity flow through my mind.

This past week my personal decorator, my sister, visited and in between baking every sweet known to man in some new contraption called Babycakes and a spa visit we managed to tweak a blue accent wall I had painted (we did repaint it!) Balance and simplicity had been achieved.

But around the house worked out great for my living room and dining room but my family room was crying for some attention. Over time, it has become the family dumping grounds for all the misfit and "not sure what to do with items." My 17 year old even called me in to the room for a conference where she then laid out a plan to get this room back in gear. First she said I needed to take everything down. Then she replied that I would need to just start over.

What? Start over? Ugh that sounds so tiring. Are you sure?

My family room has lost it's purpose and so it is time to clear out this room of all the pictures, little knick knacks and only return that which fits our family purpose statement. I will examine each item and ask the question, "Is it useful or beautiful to anyone in the family?"  My goal is not to go and buy a bunch of new stuff but rather incorporate what I have. (side note: I hear that's the definition of redesign)

And so our journey begins...


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